Learning + Tutorials
Use a Compass
Almost all of us carry instantly updated maps and GPS systems in our pockets these days in our phones, reducing the threat of being lost to almost nil.
But what would happen if you didn't have your phone, or the battery died, or your Tom-Tom took a swim? What if you just don't get any signal where you are?
Lets look at the old fashioned, never-fail navigation tool: the humble compass.
Portable Power
For most of us, having access to electrical power has become so second nature that we hardly give it a thought. It's so abundant to be almost free, and there are lots of places all around to plug in your cell phone when it runs out of juice.
But if the grid goes down for a long period of time, or you need to charge your devices on the move, then you need to consider sources of portable power if you are serious about prepping.
Power Outages
So many of us have become accustomed to having a cheap and nearly unlimited supply of electrical power available to us 24-7 that when a power outage happens, it becomes a disruptive event.
Short term outages of only a few hours or so are usually easy enough to handle, but what if the power doesn't come back for days, or weeks?
There are plenty of things you can do ahead of time to ensure that you can cope with an extended power outage without a majorly detrimental impact on your way of life.