Learning + Tutorials
Imagine a situation where your entire town or city is out of power for weeks. It happens quite often. You should be prepared for it.
You should have backup lighting for your home and a few battery operated lanterns.
In each of your emergency bags you should have:
How to Find Direction Using the Sun and Stars
If you don't always carry a compass around with you (who typically does?) then having the knowledge of how to find out your direction and where you want to go could be lifesaving.
Editor’s note: The following excerpt was taken from FM 21-76: Survival Evasion and Escape, an Army field manual published in 1968.
Floods are perhaps the deadliest and most destructive of all natural disasters. The rush of water can destroy buildings, wash away cars and people in a matter of minutes.
They can happen anywhere: cities, towns, the countryside. Even desert dwellers can be surprised with flash flooding.
You only need to watch a few videos to see what can happen in the extreme cases, and flash floods happen all the time in the US.