How the My Bug Out Bag Cart works
As you click around Bug Out Bag Builder, you will notice these icons underneath product descriptions:
When you click on this image, it will add that product to a cart here on our site, which we call the "My Bug Out Bag Cart."
Our cart works like any other shopping cart except for one distinct difference, when you Check Out out cart sends over the list of products you've selected over to Amazon.
You just need to tell Amazon, "yes, add these items to my Amazon cart" and then they will be added to your cart over there.
That page looks like this:

Not all the products listed on Bug Out Bag Builder have links to Amazon. Sometimes the link takes you to the manufacturers website where you can buy the products, and sometimes it might take you to another marketplace like eBay. It just depends on the product and what we felt was the best option for you.
We do not track your purchases on our site or sell any products directly on Bug Out Bag Guilder.
The only thing we are doing is using a small bit of software to collect the items into our cart, and then we send that cart over to Amazon.
If you have any questions about that, go to the About Us section and if you want to, Contact Us.