MIRA Safety MD-1 Children's Gas Mask

MIRA Safety MD-1 Children's Gas Mask

MIRA Safety MD-1 Children's Gas Mask

When we first wrote about gas masks for kids, we only had the Mira Safety CM-2M as a reference for how they were designed and operated. It was an OK mask - it had some rough spots but it worked. 

Then came the Mira Safety MD-1, and the whole game changed. This is a fantastic mask, and is the one you'll want for your kids. 

Before we get into that, if you are wondering why you might want a gas mask for you kids, we get into details that in the CM-2M review, but in a nutshell:

  • If you live in a high-rise and you are concerned about escaping a fire
  • If you live in areas where wildfires are common
  • You have concerns about made-made issues like CBRN events

Then you'll need to protect the little ones as well as yourself!

BTW If you buy anything with the links we provide on this page we might get a small percentage of the sale. For more info click here.

Before We Get Started

If you are looking to learn more about how gas masks work, what kinds are available, or really anything at all about respirators and CBRN masks - check out our Ultimate Gas Mask Guide, then come back here. 

Bug Out Bag Builder Ultimate Gas Mask Guide

The Mira Safety CM-2M Review

In recent years, gas masks designed for kids seem to have been an afterthought to most manufacturers and or governments. 

Most of the designs for kids were bulky or uncomfortable or crazy expensive.

Thankfully in better shape since Mira Safety came on the scene. They have done a really great job of sourcing and making high grade masks available to civilian retail consumers for adults and kids. 

The CM-2M is a quantum leap ahead of the other kids masks we have / seen in terms of comfort and design, and we're thankful for Mira Safety for getting them out onto the market. 

MIRA Safety MD-1 Children's Gas Mask On a kid from the side

And if the last few years have shown us anything, it's that having kids put things on their faces for long periods of time is difficult, and having them wear PPE properly is nearly impossible. 

All kids are different. Some might be OK with this, some not. 

With Bobb Jr we had to get creative. He is not a fan of these masks - so we made a game out of them. 

We let him play with the mask, with supervision, but he knows it's "his". He and I will wear ours for fun and run around the house playing games. 

It gets him used to the idea of it, its not some scary thing, and now he knows how to operate it properly and even do a negative pressure test

MIRA Safety MD-1 Children's Gas Mask on a kid from the front

If we ever needed to use them for real, I would give him the MB-90 PAPR we have to use. It will give positive pressure ventilation through the filter elements, and make it easier for him to breathe, which will increase the likely-hood that he will continue to wear it properly for longer (hopefully! He's still a little guy so we have to do the best we can.)

When we have the extra dough, we'll grab a Mira Safety CM-3M for him as his primary, and use the CM-2M as a backup. 

Where To Get One

BTW If you buy anything with the links we provide on this page we might get a small percentage of the sale. For more info click here.

We're a family run business. When you purchase via the links below it really helps us out, and we take our cut from the sellers end, your cost doesn't change. Your support is greatly appreciated!

MIRA Safety MD-1 Children's Gas Mask hero

MIRA Safety MD-1 Children's Gas Mask

Typical Price: $260

Emergency respirator designed for those that need it most.

  • Made of non-toxic natural rubber, providing over 180 minutes of CBRN protection
  • Uses standard 40mm NATO threaded filters for interchangeability with adult masks
  • Articulating 5-point mesh head harness for added comfort
  • Designed with a panoramic polycarbonate visor for greater situational awareness

$260Mira Safety